Today I'm really just blown away by the husband God's blessed me with. Elijah's amazing and I think most people who know him agree with me (I'm always blown away by just HOW MANY people really do love him!)... but I've been blessed to realize how amazing he is in a whole new way that I doubt very many people will ever get to see.
My husband is a constant reminder to me of what it's like to be kind! I think Eli's probably one of the kindest people I know. He just instantly loves people and pours out kindness on them! I'll be standing in the corner thinking, What's that guy's problem? And then Eli will come up to me and tell me about how he already loves that guy.... and he's totally sincere. I've seen Eli reach out to some of the (in my opinion at least) most annoying and unlovable people, and he just does it with utter sincerity and willingness to be their friend.
He's always willing to do people favors, he's always willing to help out... even if it's in a situation I know he wouldn't particularly like to do, he'll do it without any complaining if it helps a friend out.
One of the things that first attracted me to Eli is how much time he takes to think before he speaks. Since marrying him I realize he doesn't always think sooooo much before he speaks, haha! We've got some funny stories there. But he does take his time usually, he's gentle in his speech, kind and encouraging. I've seen him talk with a lot of people and have been blown away by his comfortableness and willingness to just talk with people. He'll just give his time to people. It's a trait I really admire in him.
I'm so blessed to see the Lord working in his life. He's growing so much everyday and I'm so excited to see the man the Lord is continually shaping him into. He has so many characteristics that are already such a blessing and I keep seeing the Lord continue to define and redefine those characteristics, I keep see Him chizzling away here and adding there and I keep seeing God adding Himself more and more to Eli's life. And that's really want I want for my husband, a life that doesn't reflect Eli and his character, but a life that reflects God and His character. I'm so blessed that the Lord gave me a man who is so willing and eager to have the Lord do that in him! A man who is constantly open to it, constantly surrendering himself to it, constantly seeking it diligently.
Elijah also humbles me so much when he admits he's wrong! I know, it should be the other way around, right. But he's always so sincere when he admits it, he doesn't hold a grudge or try to find excuses why he was right in this part or that part.... he just full out admits he's wrong when he's wrong....and I've seen him do this in many different situations and it's such an example to me!!! The sincerity in his heart just humbles me! And when I'm wrong and I have to admit, Elijah is the most gracious man. He never denies me, he forgives me and he's so gracious about it. He'll embrace me, he'll comfort me, he's so often such an example of Christ to me.
And lastly, he loves me! He really really loves me!!! I'm so blessed to have a man who just loves me so much! I don't even know why he loves me. As we've pointed out, I'm a bit judgy, I don't have a knack for loving on people like he does, and when he apogolizes to me, I get taught the lesson! But he still loves me and I'm just so happy about it! OH and he makes me laugh harder than anyone I know. There's only about three people in this whole world that make me laugh really hard, but Elijah tops them all! We always have the absolute most fun together, his faces, his moves, all his laughs... his humor... the boy makes me pee my pants (embarrassingly enough) I'm just so thankful to be with this funny man.
I'm not saying my husband is perfect. He's not! Trust me, I live with him, he's not... at times he can be messy, at times he can be forgetful, at times he steals the covers ;) But I love all the great things about this godly man and I'm learning to love him through all the imperfections too! God has truly blessed me with a husband I can learn from, who blesses me and loves me and a husband who I know in his heart of hearts just wants to see me more and more in love with our Father. I couldn't have asked for more!
I love you Elijah Knepper.
LOVE this. Makes my heart happy! I feel the exact same way about my husband. It's so humbling the way he loves me kindly and sincerely. I learn how to love from him every day. God has truly blessed me!